Refrigerant Gas R410A




R410A is an HFC blend designed for new R22 applications. It operates at higher pressures than many other refrigerants, and so cannot be used to retrofit R22 systems. Systems designed for R410A can take advantage of its ability to use smaller components, making it a key refrigerant for domestic and light air conditioning equipment. R410A’s low glide also makes it suitable for some centrifugal compressors, and it can operate in low-temperature applications. Refrigerant Gas R410A For Sale

R-410A is often referred to as Puron, the main brand name associated with this type of refrigerant. It is a hydro-fluorocarbon (HFC) which does not hurt the ozone layer. Therefore, it is approved for new residential air conditioners and is on its way to becoming the standard in the U.S. by 2015. Most new air conditioning units automatically use R-410A, although you should still check before making the final purchase. If you have a relatively new unit that is older than 2010, you should check to see whether it uses R-22 or R-410A. Refrigerant Gas R410A For Sale

Buy Refrigerant Gas R410a in Bulk

R-410A is a blend of R-22 and R-125 that is 60% higher pressure than R-22 for air conditioning applications and should only be used in new equipment specifically designed to handle the pressure. Systems that are designed for R410A will have smaller components to perform the same cooling job as R-22. R410A will require POE lubricants. Retrofitting R-22 equipment is not recommended under any circumstances.

Product Benefits

Substitute for R22 and R13B1

Near azeotropic refrigerant blend containing R32 and R125

Refrigerant must be charged from the liquid phase to ensure accurate composition

A Gas refrigerant cylinders have dual port valves, making liquid offtake easier

Non-flammable with a safety classification of A1

Compressors must be charged with polyester oils, contact the compressor manufacturer for more information

Distinct higher efficiency in comparison with R22. Refrigerant Gas R410A For Sale

Not a retrofit replacement due to much higher operating pressures

Higher pressures of this refrigerant are to be considered, especially with regards to system components.